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How to order...

To buy one ore more silhouettes, please bid for ONE silhouette at ebay.

Then fill in the following preprinted form (just copy the questions in a word-document) and send it to ediegmann@t-online.de



If you won the auction please fill in this form:

I auctioned silhouette: (name) ________________________________________


The article-number is: ______________________________________________


I want to buy other silhouettes: (name/s and quantity )__________________________________________________________________





My ebay-nickname is: ______________________________________________



My adress is:



Please use paypal to buy the money (you get the informations automatically after the auction) or remit it to:

Account Owner:         Elmar Diegmann

Account Number:       6005721466
Bank Code:                52260385
Bank:                        VR-Bank Wehretal

IBAN:                        DE51 5226 0385 6005 7214 66 BIC:                                 GENODEF1ESW



Thanks for buying Silhouettes!!